February 2, 2017


PLATO (The Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization) is committed to supporting the efforts of educators worldwide to bring philosophy to pre-college and university settings. The organization recognizes and values the efforts that educators from around the globe are making to develop critical and creative thinking in young people.



We deplore the U.S. Administration’s attempt to ban individuals from entering the United States because of their religion and/or nationality. The strength of our collective work in schools depends on the contributions of members throughout the world community, including individuals of diverse faiths, nations, and ethnicities. The lives of many of our constituents, and the health of our movement more generally, will be seriously affected by the enforcement of a ban based on faith and nationality.



Although we recognize the importance of insuring the safety of all Americans, we do not believe that the steps taken by this Administration effectively accomplish this. We urge the Administration to rescind its Executive Order, and the courts and legislature to do what they can to oppose its implementation.



–Board of Directors, PLATO

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