Virtual Event: High School Philosophy Teaching
Join us on Monday, October 25, 2021 at 7 pm ET/ 4 pm PT for a virtual event: High School Philosophy Teaching. Register for the event at:
PLATO is excited to present a panel discussion with five high school teachers from across the United States about successfully incorporating philosophy in high schools. Participants will have a chance to interact with the panelists in breakout rooms after the presentations.
MaryZoe Bowden lives in Florida and has taught something in every grade from pre-K through college level classes. She loves asking questions, and tries to remember she doesn’t always have the answers.
Dan Fouts is a high school social studies teacher from the Chicagoland area with 30 years of experience. He has led curriculum teams, served as departmental instructional coach and spearheaded the creation of a philosophy elective, which he has taught for 10 years.
Terrance McKittrick is a Language Arts teacher at Nova High School, a public alternative school in Seattle, Washington. He has been teaching philosophy there for over twenty-one years.
Carl Rosin teaches English and philosophy at Radnor High School in Pennsylvania. He serves on the Ethics Program Advisory Committee at Villanova University and is assistant academic director for a summer program at the University of Pennsylvania Law School.
Wendy Way is a social studies teacher at Bethpage High School on Long Island, New York, where she teaches 3 sections of philosophy to 11th and 12th graders. She is also the advisor for the philosophy club and the coach for the school’s ethics bowl team.