Topic: Truth
Snooping Around Snopes: Assessing Fake News
This lesson revolves around reading and discussing Carl Sagan’s “The Fine Art of Baloney Detection” and then sending students to to explore the large archive of hoaxes, crazes and fake news stories. Website Resource for Fact-Checking has become an indispensable and entertaining site for assessing the status of the urban legends and fake … Snooping Around Snopes: Assessing Fake News
Truth, Lies and Bullshit
Part 1: What is the difference between Truth, a Lie and Bullshit? Students should begin by writing brief definitions of these words –> WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? TRUTH, LIE, SATIRE/ JOKE, FICTION, MISTAKE, BULLSHIT (or, politely, BS) After 10 minutes, discuss how these concepts overlap and differ from each other. It is important to get to the point where the … Truth, Lies and Bullshit
Big Questions and How We Answer Them
Examining Perspectives in the News
To introduce this lesson, the instructor will draw a line on the board with marks from 1 to 10. 1 is “completely fiction,” 10 is “completely non-fiction,” and in-between might be marked, “based on a true story.” The class will be asked where on the number line a standard newspaper story might fall. At the … Examining Perspectives in the News
The Demarcation Problem and Falsifiability
One of the practical consequences of the Scientific Revolution was a suggestion that one should only believe things that are both true and justified. Eventually, there was even the proposal by mathematician William Clifford that it is morally wrong to believe things without good justification. While early thinkers suggested we need to justify all of … The Demarcation Problem and Falsifiability
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