Topic: Free Will/Choice

Can We be Authentic in Everyday Life?

“Republic of Silence,” by Jean-Paul Sartre Jean-Paul Sartre came to define post-war Existentialism.  In this prominent editorial published shortly after the occupation ended, Sartre articulates both the context to his views and the suggestion that everyday life may present even more challenges to real “Existential Choice.”  After watching this short video, read the essay and Can We be Authentic in Everyday Life?

Escape from Spiderhead

Spider-webs in grass

Introduction: George Saunders’ “Escape from Spiderhead” is a dystopian short story that portrays a controlled pharmacological environment in which scientists experimentally manipulate the desires and emotions of human subjects. Students are confronted with the question of whether the chemical cocktails produced by our brains grant greater freedom than Spiderhead. Sanders’ riveting story is thought-provoking and Escape from Spiderhead