Topic: Fairness

Media Ethics

Media ethics considers the code of ethics or moral rules that govern our media and communication practices. Conversations about media ethics can include what values or principles should guide our choices with respect to the communication of events and ideas. Facilitators or teachers can briefly discuss what media ethics is with their students, then go Media Ethics

Robots at Work

Many students, even those who are quite young, are aware of the rapid pace at which technology and artificial intelligence (AI) are developing. This lesson entails an exploration of what the world might look like if all human jobs become automated, or done by robots. Are there jobs that humans can do that a robot Robots at Work

For the Birds

Plot Summary: In this short Pixar film, several small birds land on a telephone wire and commence chattering and annoying one another. When a large bird lands nearby and seeks out their company, the smaller birds stop their bickering and turn as one against the large bird. Their attempts to make him leave their wire For the Birds

Implicit Bias

Background content: Ideally students would have read some background content on implicit bias coming in to the conversation. One possibility is Kelly and Roedder’s 2008 paper “Racial Cognition and the Ethics of Implicit Bias.” (Only provide the first half, as it gives some background on implicit bias and empirical evidence supporting its existence.) Another possibility is just to have Implicit Bias

Justice and Utopia

Black and white woodcut print of a map of Thomas More's "Utopia" featuring large ship sailing around the edges of the island. On the island, there are several 16th-century buildings. In the lower corners of the image, two men dressed in 16th-century clothes talk to one another.

Students engage with the ‘Ring of Gyges’ story from Plato’s Republic and John Rawls’ concept of the ‘veil of ignorance’ to examine how a just society might be organized.

Social Contract Theory: Creating a Cooperative Learning Environment

Wooden people figures shaking hands

Materials needed: John Locke’s Second Treatise on Government, chapters two and eight. An alternative is James Rachels’ The Elements of Moral Philosophy, chapter eleven, “The Idea of a Social Contract” (see full citations and links in the ‘Resources’ section) Questionnaire (see below) Poster board for displaying the finished constitution Optional: online discussion forum; wig and Social Contract Theory: Creating a Cooperative Learning Environment


row of 5 paper dolls

Materials needed Plenty of paper Several sets of 5 different colored pencils or markers Timer Warm-Up Activity: Ask your students to think about how they define a stereotype. Work in small groups to come up with a basic definition. Have your students write this definition down. After small group discussion, write each group’s definition on Stereotyping