Topic: environmental ethics

Alive/Not Alive

Materials/Preparation: Before the session, write the names of various beings and things on note cards with one per note card. Examples include: CarrotsFlowersCarsFireDollsWaterDirtA squashed bugRabbits In the session: If the students are in a circle on the rug, place three pieces of paper in the middle of the circle. Write “Alive” on one, “Not Alive” Alive/Not Alive

Conflicting Values in Environmental Ethics – The Mountain Goat Dilemma

Mountain goat laying down on mountain side

Mountain goats are not native to Olympic National Park. They were introduced into Olympic Peninsula in the 1930s to encourage an increase of tourism via hunting. Shortly after, Olympic National Park was established. Under Park jurisdiction, hunting of any kind is forbidden, so the mountain goats placed there were protected. Olympic National Park is now Conflicting Values in Environmental Ethics – The Mountain Goat Dilemma