The Teaching Hub at the Eastern APA Division Meeting
Please join us at the Teaching Hub, which will run from Thursday, January 7, through Saturday, January 9, at the 2021 Eastern Division meeting. The Teaching Hub is a series of interactive workshops and open conversations designed specifically for philosophers and created to celebrate teaching within the context of the APA divisional meetings. Jointly organized by the APA Committee on the Teaching of Philosophy (CTP) and the American Association of Philosophy Teachers (AAPT), the Teaching Hub aims to offer a range of high-quality and inclusive development opportunities that address the teaching of philosophy at all levels, pre-college through graduate school.
These events, which are free to all meeting registrants and will be virtual rather than in-person this year, aim to bring the collegial and supportive culture of the AAPT to the APA; to stretch beyond the traditional APA format with sessions that model active learning; and to attract a broader range of philosophers to our divisional meetings. To register for the meeting, please visit the Registration Information page. There is something for every philosopher at the Teaching Hub. Please explore our programming, locate a session that interests you, and develop your craft in the company of like- minded colleagues who believe in the transformative power of philosophy.
Hope to see you there,
Wendy Turgeon, Co-Chair, 2021 Eastern Teaching Hub Rebecca Millsop, Co-Chair, 2021 Eastern Teaching Hub Jennifer Wilson Mulnix, AAPT President
Thursday, January 7, 2021
9:00–10:50 a.m., Philosophy and Civics Education
Sponsored by Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization (PLATO)
Chair: Roberta Israeloff (Squire Family Foundation and PLATO)
- “Using Cases to Address Civic Ethical Dilemmas,” Meira Levinson (Harvard Graduate School of Education) and Jacob Fey (Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University)
- “Grounding Civic Discussions in Foundational and Philosophical Texts,” Allison Cohen (PLATO & Teacher, Langley High School)
- “Cultivating Civic Dispositions: History, Justice, and the Common Good,” Laura Tavares (Facing History and Ourselves)
11:00 a.m.–12:50 p.m., Ethics Bowl in the Classroom: Perspectives on Dialogical Pedagogy for Ethics and Civics Education
Chair: Alex Richardson (National High School Ethics Bowl and UNC Parr Center for Ethics)
Alex Richardson (National High School Ethics Bowl and UNC Parr Center for Ethics)
Michael Vazquez (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the UNC Parr Center for Ethics)
Nick Tanchuk (Iowa State University School of Education)
2:00–3:50 p.m., Philosophical Fiction for Children: Writing and Reading It
Sponsored by the APA Committee on Pre-College Instruction and the Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children (IAPC)
Chair: David Kennedy (Montclair State University)
- “The Importance of Continuing the Heritage of Lipman’s Philosophical Fiction: Writing Stories for the Contemporary World,” Maria Miraglia (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)
- “Can Philosophical Fiction Take Care of Adolescence? The Co-Construction of a Novel,” Natalie M. Fletcher (Université de Montréal)
- “Are Lipman’s Novels Dialogical and Polyphonic? A Bakhtinian Reading of Pixie,” Soudabeh Shokrollahzadeh (Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran)
Friday, January 8, 2021
9:00–10:50 a.m., “This Is All Bullshit”: Racism and Sexism in the Classroom
Chair: Sarah Lublink (Florida Southwestern State College)
11:00 a.m.–12:50 p.m., Teaching Sustainability
Chair: Alessandra Buccella (Wesleyan University)
- “Crossing the Great Divide: Teaching Health Care Ethics and Environmental Ethics,” Andrew Jameton (Health Professionals for Healthy Climate)
- “Sustainability as a Concept: Metaphors, Implications, and the Turn Toward Non-Ideal Theory,” Elise Springer (Wesleyan University)
2:00–3:50 p.m., Teaching Mary Wollstonecraft
Chair: Dustin Christopher Webster (University of Pennsylvania)
- “Modeling Professional Philosophy with Wollstonecraft and Your Library,” Ian D. Dunkle (Boston University)
- “Wollstonecraft and Rousseau: Friend or Foe, or Friend and Foe,” Trip McCrossin (Rutgers University)
4:00–7:00 p.m., Session TBA
4:00–7:00 p.m., How to Teach an Asian Philosophical Classic
Sponsored by the APA Committee on Asian and Asian American Philosophers and Philosophy
Chair: Julianne Chung (University of Louisville)
- “Concepts, Traditions, and Translations: Helping Students Appreciate Classical Chinese Philosophy,” Min Tang (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
- “Just Go Along with Things: Teaching Classical Chinese Philosophy for the First Time,” Christopher Blake-Turner (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
- “Teaching Asian Texts through Bride Concepts in Ethics and Aesthetics,” Hannah Haejin Kim (Stanford University)
- “Mental Models and Misconceptions: Teaching the Bhagavad Gita,” Andrew Housiaux (Phillips Academy)
- “Teaching across Traditions with Friendship and Style,” Meilin Chinn (Santa Clara University)
- “Using the Routledge History of Indian Philosophy to Teach Indian Philosophical Classics with an Analytic-Comparative Focus,” Purushottama Bilimoria (University of Melbourne and California State University, Long Beach)
Saturday, January 9, 2021
9:00–10:50 a.m., Rethinking Upper-Division Courses for Non-Majors
Chair: Jerry Green (University of Central Oklahoma)
• “Philosophical Practice as Courageous Vulnerability,” James William Lincoln (University of Louisville)
- “Using a Case Study Approach in Upper Division Courses for Non-Majors,” Ryan Michael Miller (Université de Genève)
- “Disrupt, Unclutter, Innovate: Why Google and Apple Hire Socratic Leaders,” Freya Mobus (Loyola University Chicago)
11:00 a.m.–12:50 p.m., My Top Five: Philosophers Share Their Lists
Chair: Russell Marcus (Hamilton College) Presenters:
- Brandon Fitelson (Northeastern University)
- Marc Lance (Georgetown University)
- Naomi Zack (Lehman College, CUNY)
2:00–3:50 p.m., Closing Reception: Undergraduate Research and Faculty SoTL Poster Session
Chairs: Kristina Grob (University of South Carolina Sumter) and Kaitlin Louise Pettit (University of Utah)
Faculty and Graduate Students
- John Proios (Cornell University), “Education as Awakening or Assimilation?”
- Olivia Branscum (Columbia University) and Milan Terlunen (Columbia University), “Podcasting for Philosophical Accessibility in the Classroom”
- Emily McGill (Coastal Carolina University), “Philosomemes and Virtual Republics”
- Jacob Andrews (Loyola University Chicago), “Logic as a Liberal Art: Symbolic and Natural Logic in the High School Classroom”
- Jenny Strandberg (Farmingdale State College), “How to Create an Online Learning Alliance”
- Fran Fairbairn (Colgate University), “Trust, Power, and Transformation in the Prison Classroom”
- David Anderson and Kenji Blum (Texas A&M University), “Creating Research Intensive Communities of Inquiry”
- Mark Herman (Arkansas State University), “Teaching Moral Philosophical Methodology though ‘Create Your Own Thought Experiment’”
Undergraduate Students
- Christina Barta (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), “Relationship-Based Moral Reasons and Scarcity”
- Jacob Howard (University of Central Florida), “Understanding Medical Error in Surgical Stapler Use: A Philosophical and Scientific Analysis”
- Phoenix Wang (University of California, San Diego), “Aristotle’s Theory of Perception and Realism in Dealing with Bad Cases”