
Moral Reasons and Time Constraints: Reflections on Ethics Education in Summer Camp Settings

By Brianna Larson, Philosophy PhD Student at University of Cincinnati The Cincinnati Ethics Center, established in January of 2022, recently concluded its 2nd year of ethics programming at the Youth Cadet program. Youth Cadet is run by the Cincinnati Police Department and aims to educate 16-19-year-olds about policies and procedures in policing. Over seven Wednesdays Moral Reasons and Time Constraints: Reflections on Ethics Education in Summer Camp Settings

My Journey with Philosophy

By Liam Lobl (Student from Ardsley High School) Coming into high school, I knew very little about philosophy, as my school district does not offer any classes even remotely within the field of philosophy. However, I was intent on getting involved in Lincoln-Douglas debate, a one-on-one competition in which philosophical “frameworks” are used to evaluate My Journey with Philosophy