community philosophy

Successful Philosophy in the Community Program in Montana

Learn about the great community philosophy programs offered by Merlin CCC in Montana! Merlin CCC offers philosophy experiences in Helena, Montana for community members of all ages. This organization believes that philosophy can enrich all lives. Learn more about them by reading the interview below and by check out their website: PLATO: Can you Successful Philosophy in the Community Program in Montana

Longmont, Colorado Celebrates a Month of Philosophy

[infobox color=”#6394bf” textcolor=”#000000″ icon=”comments”] Learn about Grey Havens Philosophy’s Longmont Thinks! Initiatives that inspired a month long celebration of philosophy within the town of Longmont, Colorado[/infobox] [slider] Mayoral Proclamation Ceremony at Longmont City Council Meeting [next-slide] Philosophical Songwriting Workshop [next-slide] Outdoor Philosophy Discussion on Fake News [next-slide] Art, Senses and the Mind Art Activity [next-slide] Longmont, Colorado Celebrates a Month of Philosophy