Sustaining Circle Members receive:

Set of 10 bookmarks
Set of 10 bookmarks
Annual invitation to a virtual Fireside Chat with PLATO’s Executive Director for insight into PLATO’s successes, challenges, and future initiatives.
Annual invitation to a virtual Fireside Chat with PLATO's Executive Director for insight into PLATO's successes, challenges, and future initiatives.
Additional 15% discount on the member conference fee
Additional 15% discount on the member conference fee


  • $25/month helps fund the cost of an online workshop for educators
  • $50/month pays for scholarships for 3 middle school students taking an online philosophy class
  • $100/month helps pay the costs of a year-long graduate student fellowship
  • $500/month funds 3 full scholarships for educators in PLATO’s online education program

CONVENIENCE. Each month, your gift to PLATO is automatically paid. And it’s easy to view, change, or cancel your gift at any time.

SUSTAINABILITY. Smaller, more manageable recurring gifts have a huge impact over time.

RECOGNITION. Your name will be listed on our website and in the annual Community Report.