The Paperbag Princess
Author: Robert MunschPlot Summary: The Princess Elizabeth is slated to marry Prince Ronald when a dragon attacks the castle and kidnaps Ronald. In resourceful and humorous fashion, Elizabeth finds the dragon, outsmarts him, and rescues Ronald--who is less than pleased at her un-princess-like appearance.
Posted In: Ethics, Feminism, Social and Political Philosophy
Discussion Questions
- Why does the story tell us that Elizabeth wore “expensive princess clothes?”
- Does being a princess depend on wearing certain clothes or looking a certain way?
- Why does Elizabeth chase the dragon?
- Is Elizabeth brave?
- How does Elizabeth save Ronald?
- Why doesn’t Ronald thank Elizabeth? Should he?
- Does Ronald expect certain things of Elizabeth because she is a princess? Because she is female?
- What does Elizabeth mean when she tells Ronald he is a bum?
- Does Ronald act like a prince? Does Elizabeth act like a princess?
- Does Elizabeth “live happily ever after” without marrying Ronald?
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