Author: Arnold Lobel
Plot Summary: When Owl goes for a walk one evening, the moon follows him home and won’t leave when Owl tells it to go home. But when the moon disappears behind a cloud, Owl misses it.
Posted In: Epistemology, Metaphysics
Plot Summary: When Owl goes for a walk one evening, the moon follows him home and won’t leave when Owl tells it to go home. But when the moon disappears behind a cloud, Owl misses it.
Posted In: Epistemology, Metaphysics
Discussion Questions
What is it to be alive? How can we tell if something is alive or not?
- It moves.
- It has a face.
- It eats.
- It sleeps.
- It talks.
- It grows.
- It dies.
- It feels.
- It thinks.
- It communicates.
Are the following alive? Why or why not?
- Rocks.
- Water.
- Cars.
- Bees.
- Toasters.
- Books.
- Light.
- Rain.
- Feelings.
- Animals.
- Movies.
- The sun.
- Trees.
What goes to sleep? Do the following things go to sleep, don’t go to sleep, or you don’t know?
- Grass.
- Light.
- The moon.
- A bear.
- A river.
- A fish.
- The rain.
- A tree.
- A door.
- A television.
- The world.
Knowledge and Belief
- Can the moon be looking at Owl? Why does Owl think so?
- Does Owl’s belief that the moon is looking back at him give us a reason to think this might be true? Why or why not?
- What makes something true?
- How could we find out if Owl’s belief that the moon is looking at him is true?
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