Author: Eva Muggenthaler
Plot Summary: This picture book illustrates each picture with only two adjectives — "Happy-Sad," "Jealous-Accepting," "Wild-Polite," etc. — and each picture contains a wealth of activities and behaviors that invite exploration of what these words mean.
Posted In: Metaphysics

Discussion Questions

You can read the book to children two pages at a time (for example, the first two pages are “Scared – Brave”). Ask the children to articulate what images illustrate what feeling.

  • Can some of the images represent both of the feelings listed?
  • Are the feelings supposed to be opposites? Are they?
  • Can you be scared and brave at the same time? Alone and together, happy and sad, cranky and kind, usual and unusual, jealous and accepting, etc., at the same time?
  • What does it mean to be alone? Are we ever completely alone? Are we ever not alone?
  • What is the difference between usual and unusual?
  • Can you be the same and different at the same time?