The Adventures of Beekle The Unimaginary Friend
Author: Dan SantatPlot Summary: This magical story begins on an island far away where an imaginary friend is born. He patiently waits his turn to be chosen by a real child, but when he is overlooked time and again, he sets off on an incredible journey to the bustling city, where he finally meets his perfect match and-at long last-is given his special name: Beekle.
Posted In: Metaphysics
Discussion Questions
- Is an imaginary friend real?
- What is good about an imaginary friend?
- Are imaginary friends better than real world friends?
- What is the difference between a real friend and an imaginary friend?
- Can a real person be an imaginary friend (i.e., could someone who is real but who you don’t actually know be your imaginary friend)?
- Do imaginary friends do whatever we want them to do or do they have minds of their own?
- Can adults have imaginary friends or just children?
- Beekle travels to the real world. If he wasn’t in the real world to begin with, where was he? Do imaginary places really exist?
- Is the interaction between Beekle and Alice real or imagined?
Suggested Activity (recommended for grades K-3):
- Read the story
- While the kids are all together on the carpet, ask them to think about what their imaginary friend would be like.
- Do a quick turn and talk so the kids can share their ideas
- Send the kids back to their desks to draw an imaginary friend and think about
- What their imaginary friend would look like (that’s the drawing part)
- What their imaginary friend is like (what characteristics, traits, or ways of being)
- Whether they think their imaginary friend is better than an actual friend and why.
Recommendation: To do multiple sessions on imagination and imaginary friends, pair Beekle with We Forgot Brock.
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