I was involved in founding the journal Questions: Philosophy for Young People ten years ago. The journal began as a project of the American Philosophical Association’s Committee on Pre-College Instruction in Philosophy. We conceived it as a way to illustrate the philosophical work that young people are capable of doing.

The mission of Questions is to further on a national scale the work that is being done to bring philosophy into young people’s lives, and to draw attention to the value of philosophy and philosophical thinking for young students. Each issue contains philosophical stories, essays, poems, photographs and drawings. The journal also publishes articles offering advice and ideas for teachers and parents interested in facilitating philosophical discussions with young people.

Past issues have explored a variety of philosophical issues, including human rights with students in elementary, middle, and high schools, and have included transcripts of K-12 discussions about human rights perspectives and an examination of children’s rights with teachers, students, and philosophers from the U.S., Brazil, and Israel. The journal publishes all of the winning entries from the Kids Philosophy Slam contest each year. The ninth issue will be out this winter.

Here is the current request for submissions for Questions:

Questions publishes philosophical work by and for young people, including stories, essays, poems, photographs and drawings, etc. In addition, articles related to doing philosophy with young people, reviews of books and materials useful for doing the same, lesson plans (include description or transcripts of student responses), classic thought experiments redefined/modified for modern audience interests and demographics, transcripts of philosophy discussions, photographs of classroom discussions, and more are sought.

Images, whether photographs, drawings, paintings, et al. should be sent as uncompressed TIFF files (with at least 300 dpi resolution.) Written submissions should be sent in Word, WordPerfect, or Rich Text File formats (as .doc, .wpd, or .rtf). Scholarly articles should conform to the Chicago Manual of Style for textual and citation manners; please use endnotes rather than footnotes.

Be sure to include contact information with your submissions. A copyright release is needed for publication. All submissions should go to QuestionsJournal@gmail.com

Submissions for the next issue should be received by March 31, 2010. After initial review and editing, they will be blindly reviewed and selected by the larger editorial board.

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