PLATO Toolkit Competition
Share your philosophical expertise with the community!
The PLATO Toolkit offers free lesson plans to K-12 teachers on our website ( The competition seeks submissions to add to our collection of tools and lesson plans. The top 5 lesson plans will receive $100 prize and will be featured on our website and via social media. All authors will be given credit for their lesson plans when they are featured on our website. If you already have lesson plans you use, why not share them? Or if you have some ideas in your head, why not write them down for others to use? Everyone wins when we share our knowledge.
Competition Details:
- The top 5 lesson plans will receive $100 prize award each
- Limit one award per person.
- One person can submit as many tools as one likes.
- Lesson plans must be submitted through the link on the PLATO website (here:
- Submissions must be received by September 15, 2019
- Winners will be announced no later than October 31, 2019
Toolkit Submission Review & Website Posting:
- Authors will be given credit in the byline at the top of the lesson plan.
- Submissions may be edited before being posted on the website.
- Submissions will be evaluated by the Toolkit Committee. Not all submissions will be accepted.
- Accepted lesson plans may be posted shortly after acceptance (and before winners are announced)
- Submissions are judged based on quality, creativity, relevance, the ease of use, and the complexity of topic. They must be submitted in the appropriate format for the website, using the online form