Philosophical Adventures with Fairy Tales: New Ways to Explore Familiar Tales with Kids of All Ages
Description: Often we think of fairy tales as written for little children as entertainment. But fairy tales are much more and invite young and old alike to reflect on serious philosophical themes. This book offers readers opportunities to engage in philosophical dialogue over a range of important concepts such as truth, goodness, beauty, fairness, and many more. The prompts for these reflections will be fairy tales. In addition to offering guidelines for building a philosophical community with children and young people, the reader will read familiar stories with fresh eyes and encounter new ideas with surprising connections to contemporary issues and concerns. Parents will enjoy sharing a tale with their child and journeying into the big questions that fascinate children. Teens will relish the chance to revisit a favorite fairy tale but as now addressing their own questions and concerns. Finally, adults who are intrigued by philosophy can explore the power of stories, fairy tales, to bring forward serious questions of justice, identity, and meaning making.

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