Discussion Question Category: Ethics

You Are Stardust

What is nature? Are we a part of nature or are we outside of it? What is our relationship to the rest of the natural world? Are we connected or disconnected? If we are connected, or a part of the natural world, what implications does this have on the way we treat it? Do we You Are Stardust

Little Match Girl

What makes someone poor? Why is the little girl so poor? Is it the girl’s responsibility to provide money for her family? Whose responsibility is it? Did the little girl choose to dream about the large iron stove? Do we choose what we dream about? Is she dreaming of the stove and dinner or is Little Match Girl

Little Red Hen

Why are the other animals refusing to do any work? Should the other animals be helping the hen with house work? Does everyone in a household need to contribute the same amount to getting work done? Should the hen do all the work the others refuse to do, or should she also refuse? Is it Little Red Hen

If I Were in Charge of the World

Either read the poem to the class or project it in the room and have the students take turns reading stanzas. Have the students work independently to write down their own “If I Were in Charge of the World” lists. Encourage them to make that list in whatever mode most resonates with them (e.g., poem, If I Were in Charge of the World

Pout-Pout Fish

How is one destined to be glum or happy? Is there destiny? Why do people feel so uncomfortable around an unhappy person? Is it wrong to be gloomy? Does one have the right to be unhappy? How does the kiss help Pout-Pout Fish to become cheerful? Is it okay to kiss someone you don’t know? Pout-Pout Fish

Bargain for Frances

What is trust? In the book, Thelma tricks Frances. Should Frances trust Thelma? When should people be trusted? How do you decide who to trust? Why do you trust certain people and not others? Do you trust any of the following? Doctors Teachers Firefighters Police officers Strangers People at your parent’s work People your own Bargain for Frances

Table Where Rich People Sit

What can it mean to be rich? In an ideal world how would you like to live to be the most rich? what does it mean to love something? What things would you put on your list? What things are more import to you? What things are most important to your family? Contributed by Thomas Table Where Rich People Sit

Who Wants to be a Prairie Dog?

Is there only one way to do things? If you manage to accomplish the same tasks but do it differently than people expect, is that doing the tasks wrong? What is the value of hurrying? Can being reprimanded and judged be positive? Is there value in assuming what someone is capable of? Can people thinking Who Wants to be a Prairie Dog?