
Job Opening at PLATO: Executive Director

PLATO is Hiring! Interested candidates should send an email message describing their interest in the position, along with an attached resume and the names, titles, and phone numbers of two references, to:, by 5 pm PST August 31, 2019.  APPLICATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED! JOB POSTING: Executive Director   PLATO (Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization), Job Opening at PLATO: Executive Director

PLATO Toolkit Competition

Share your philosophical expertise with the community! The PLATO Toolkit offers free lesson plans to K-12 teachers on our website ( The competition seeks submissions to add to our collection of tools and lesson plans. The top 5 lesson plans will receive $100 prize and will be featured on our website and via social media. PLATO Toolkit Competition

New Philosophy Summer Camp for Children Focusing on the Environment

[infobox color=”#6394bf” textcolor=”#000000″ icon=”comments”] Learn about the environmental philosophy summer camp happening in Northern Texas for children ages 6-10.[/infobox] The Environmental Explorers Philosophy Summer Camp will be held June 3-7 [accordion multiopen=”true”] [toggle title=”Project Inspiration” state=”closed”] PLATO: Can you describe where the idea of running a philosophy summer camp for children came from?   Environmental New Philosophy Summer Camp for Children Focusing on the Environment

Longmont, Colorado Celebrates a Month of Philosophy

[infobox color=”#6394bf” textcolor=”#000000″ icon=”comments”] Learn about Grey Havens Philosophy’s Longmont Thinks! Initiatives that inspired a month long celebration of philosophy within the town of Longmont, Colorado[/infobox] [slider] Mayoral Proclamation Ceremony at Longmont City Council Meeting [next-slide] Philosophical Songwriting Workshop [next-slide] Outdoor Philosophy Discussion on Fake News [next-slide] Art, Senses and the Mind Art Activity [next-slide] Longmont, Colorado Celebrates a Month of Philosophy

2019 PLATO Conference: Join us in Florida

[button href=”” style=”flat” size=”medium” color=”#5b90bf” texthovercolor=”#0066bf” icon=”info-circle”]Conference Details[/button]     The 2019 PLATO Conference is getting ready to blast off! Come for an amazing conference, and experience the many opportunities for recreation in Orlando/Winter Park. The area offers activities that everyone can enjoy. From Ecotourism to the Kennedy Space Center; world-class theme parks, performing arts, museums and a vibrant restaurant scene. It’s also just an 2019 PLATO Conference: Join us in Florida

Applying to the PLATO Philosophy Fund

Applications are now being accepted for the PLATO Philosophy Fund (PPF), supporting a wide range of innovative philosophy programs around the country. The deadline for applying for a 2018 award is January 31, 2018. All applications are blind peer-reviewed. All applications must be submitted  and funding decisions will be announced in the spring. About the Applying to the PLATO Philosophy Fund

Philosophy for Children Conference, hosted by NAACI, to be held June 2018 in Mexico

NAACI Conference on “Education in a world in crisis: How philosophy for/by children might respond” in collaboration with The Mexican Federation of Philosophy for Children and the Centers Tepepan and Thinkers   [infobox color=”#6392bf” textcolor=”#000000″ icon=”calendar”] June 15-17th, 2018 in Puebla, Mexico [/infobox] Call for Papers Deadline November 30, 2017   [button href=”” style=”flat” size=”small” Philosophy for Children Conference, hosted by NAACI, to be held June 2018 in Mexico

Learn about the upcoming Southern California Philosophy Academy for High School Students!

[infobox color=”#6394bf” textcolor=”#000000″ icon=”comments”]From June 19-23, 2017 California Lutheran University will host the first SoCal Philosophy Academy for high school students in Thousand Oaks, CA.[/infobox] [slider] [next-slide] [/slider] The SoCal Philosophy Academy for high school students will be hosted at California Lutheran University and run by Dr. Brian J. Collins, Assistant Professor of Philosophy.   Learn about the upcoming Southern California Philosophy Academy for High School Students!

NEH Summer Seminar for Teachers on Existentialism

[slider] [next-slide] [next-slide] [/slider] Fully Funded 3 Week Summer Training Opportunity in Philosophy for ALL K-12 Teachers Apply to the NEH Summer Seminar on Existentialism which will be held at Mount Holyoke College in the beautiful Pioneer Valley of Massachusetts. NEH Summer Seminar on Existentialism: July 16- August 4, 2017 Deadline for Applications: March 1, NEH Summer Seminar for Teachers on Existentialism

A Philosophy Conference for High School Students!

[infobox color=”#6394bf” textcolor=”#000000″ icon=”calendar”] Learn about the Long Island Philosophy Conference for High School Students that will be held on November 12, 2016 at the Stony Brook School in New York.   Read more by checking out the American Philosophical Association’s (APA) recent article about the event here:[/infobox] [slider] [next-slide] [next-slide] [/slider] Did you A Philosophy Conference for High School Students!