Covid-19 Pandemic

Thinking about Death

I have been thinking about death since I was about 5 years old. For much of my life, I’ve had the sense that other people don’t think about the subject very much, or at least try not to think about it, and certainly don’t often want to talk about it, at least not in the Thinking about Death

In Limbo

  In Limbo I recently had a video conversation with In Limbo, a new online space dedicated to exploring the philosophical dimensions of the pandemic. The video is here. The site began as a result of an effort to create a bibliography that records various philosophical writings on the pandemic, which can be found here. In Limbo

Loneliness and Isolation

During the pandemic, the topics of loneliness and isolation came up in many of the Zoom conversations I had with children.  The six-minute film “Baboon on the Moon” is about a baboon who lives alone on the Moon. Wordless and moving, the video portrays the baboon as full of longing for the Earth, struggling with feelings Loneliness and Isolation