Kate Goldyn

Biennial Seminar for Educators at the AAPT Conference

Person teaching at chalkboard

It was a multifaceted experience, rich enough to incur a serious debriefing on the participant’s part.  The balance between one’s exposure to professional philosophers/professors and  PLATO’s own work was a rich experience that inspired one’s professional development and helped in a very personal manner: to come to a better appreciation of philosophy in a historically Biennial Seminar for Educators at the AAPT Conference

Public Philosophy, Education, and Social Justice Webinar


Public Philosophy, Education, and Social Justice Webinar Join us on Thursday, February 10th, 2022 at 7pm Eastern/4pm Pacific for a webinar Public Philosophy, Education, and Social Justice, co-sponsored in collaboration by PLATO, the Public Philosophy Network (PPN), and the Kegley Institute of Ethics. The fourth in a series of PLATO webinars, this event will feature an Public Philosophy, Education, and Social Justice Webinar

PLATO’s Funding Program

Whiteboard with "Let's try something NEW"

In 2016, recognizing the importance of greater access to philosophy for all adults, youth, and children, as well as the scarcity of funds available for philosophy programs, PLATO developed a funding program. Since that time, PLATO has funded a wide range of innovative philosophy programs with the aim of broadening philosophy’s reach around the United States. PLATO’s Funding Program

Merger Announcement


We are happy to announce that PLATO is merging with the Center for Philosophy for Children. As of January 1, 2022, the newly merged organization will be known as PLATO (Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization), an independent nonprofit registered in Washington State. It will now have the capacity to expand the work in which both organizations have Merger Announcement

Virtual Event: High School Philosophy Teaching

Join us on Monday, October 25, 2021 at 7 pm ET/ 4 pm PT for a virtual event: High School Philosophy Teaching. Register for the event at: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZItfuqrpzosHNDZlo3XcGI4wtz3wkFZk6ah PLATO is excited to present a panel discussion with five high school teachers from across the United States about successfully incorporating philosophy in high schools. Participants will Virtual Event: High School Philosophy Teaching

Call for Proposals – APA Eastern Division Meeting

Call for Proposals Philosophy Across the Generations APA Eastern Division Meeting January 5—January 8, 2022 Montreal, Canada The Philosophy Teaching and Learning Organization (PLATO) seeks panelists for a session on engaging with philosophy across the generations, at the AAPT-APA Teaching Hub at the 2022 APA Eastern Division meeting, January 5—January 8, 2022, in Montreal Canada. Call for Proposals – APA Eastern Division Meeting

Meet the Authors of the Big Ideas for Young Thinkers Book Series

Join us on May 4th at 7 pm ET/ 4 pm PT to meet the authors of the Big Ideas for Young Thinkers Book Series. Register for the event here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIuceCopj8qHtdM7Q0sL9P-BaxPaMXyeHhy The Big Ideas for Young Thinkers book series focuses on innovative ideas for teaching philosophy to pre-college students. This webinar brings together Dr. Claire Katz, Dr. Erik Kenyon, Meet the Authors of the Big Ideas for Young Thinkers Book Series

Little Voices, Big Ideas podcast

Little Voices, Big Ideas podcast, on New Orleans Public Radio, explores the rich and often surprising content of children’s books—and ways to have meaningful conversations about big ideas in little books with the children in our lives. Hosted by Sarah DeBacher with contributions from humanities professors: Dr. Helen Taylor, Dr. Thomas Wartenberg (PLATO Board Member), Little Voices, Big Ideas podcast

New Resources from the Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children at Montclair State University

The Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children at Montclair State University (IAPC) is proud to announce three new, important resources for engaging in thoughtful dialogue with children and teens. One is the revival of Thinking in Stories: Reviewing Philosophy in Children’s Literature as an active weblog (https://www.montclair.edu/iapc/thinking-in-stories/). Each post in the weblog summarizes a popular New Resources from the Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children at Montclair State University