Jana Mohr Lone

When to Run a Philosophy Camp for K-12 Students?

by Landon D. C. Elkind, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Western Kentucky University In my involvement with pre-college philosophy, I have been blessed in more ways than one. First, I had excellent mentors in Kristopher G. Phillips and Gregory Stoutenburg. Second, I learned (then borrowed and deployed here at Western Kentucky University) the excellent Lyceum model When to Run a Philosophy Camp for K-12 Students?

PLATO Wins National Award for Excellence and Innovation

Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization (PLATO) has been awarded the 2023 Award for Excellence and Innovation in Philosophy Programs, sponsored by the American Philosophical Association and the Philosophy Documentation Center.  The award recognizes organizations that undertake new initiatives in philosophy with excellence and success. Announcing the award to PLATO, the American Philosophical Association wrote, “This program is truly indicative of the PLATO Wins National Award for Excellence and Innovation

Grants Announced for Philosophy Programs Around the US

Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization (PLATO) announced its 2023 grant awards this week to fund a wide array of programs for all ages on diverse topics.  PLATO first developed its grants program in 2016 with the goal of funding innovative ethics and philosophy programs around the country for students of all ages and backgrounds.  In the past, PLATO <strong>Grants Announced for Philosophy Programs Around the US</strong>

Exploring Robert Nozick’s “Experience Machine” with Fourth Grade Students

This week I introduced philosopher Robert Nozick’s 1971 Experience Machine thought experiment in a fourth-grade class.  The experiment asks us to imagine that there is an “Experience Machine” that can give us any experience we desire. If you are hooked up to the machine, your brain would be stimulated so that you would think and feel that you were Exploring Robert Nozick’s “Experience Machine” with Fourth Grade Students

Philosophy comes to high schools around the US

Diverse group of students crowded around a table in a library with a teacher

This month the Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization (PLATO) is expanding its elementary school philosophers-in-residence program to three high schools, in Boston, Philadelphia, and Seattle. This expansion is possible thanks to a $60,000 grant from The Whiting Foundation.  PLATO is a growing national organization that nurtures young people’s curiosity, critical thinking, and desire to explore big questions through philosophy and ethics Philosophy comes to high schools around the US

PLATO is now accepting grant applications

Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization (PLATO) is now accepting grant applications for innovative philosophy and ethics programs across the United States.  PLATO grants have funded programs for every age, from kindergarten to senior citizens, in red, blue, and purple states all over America. They include community nature walks in Montana, a summer philosophy camp in Kentucky, elementary school philosophy PLATO is now accepting grant applications